LLSS 315 Educating Linguistically Diverse Students
Story Telling Festival
I Am From Poem
Story Telling Festival
Apache School Practicum
Weekly Scribe
Chapter Highlights/Vocabulary
Oral History Family Story
Book Talks
Sign Language
Midterm Reflection
Final Reflection
Page Title

     I had never been to the Story Telling Festival before.  I have always heard about it, but never did attend.  I finally got the chance to experience the Story Telling Festival on October 10, 2008.  It was a lovely afternoon - not too hot, not too cold.  I had just gotten off of work and wasn't sure if I was up for listening to stories.  However, when I got to berg park and saw how many children were waiting to get into the tents to listen to the stories I perked up.  There were students all over from different schools.  I noticed Bloomfield, Farmington and I think I saw some Kirtland students.  It was hard to tell on their T-shirts.  I watched from the back of the tent.  The story tellers on that particular day were some of the kids.  I recognized them as Ladera students because in my Reading II class, Wendy had her students practice on our class.  They were amazing!  They stood up in front of hundreds of their peers and adults and told the best stories.  It was quite an experience.  I was sorry I hadn't brought my other children.  However, next year I do plan on attending along with my children.  I think they would all enjoy it as well.  Actually one of my daughters who is in 3rd grade got to go on a field trip to the Story Telling Festival.  She really enjoyed the stories.  Also, they got to have a picnic at Berg Park.  It looked as if all the schools had the same idea.  What a treat!  I really admire those students who got on stage.  They were very brave.  Kudos to all the story tellers in the world.